Monday, June 18, 2012

178: Monday Oddities

  • My Diploma came in. Big smiles and sighs of relief. Now if only I can get a frame already for that piece of paper. I would like a simple, affordable and sleek black frame from Target but my Mom wants me to get one that's a lot nicer but not ridiculous like the ones SDSU tries to sick onto me. 
  • Spent a little time with Jon after work and before he went to the Naffaa meeting
  • Currently updating my resume for my application. 
  • Trying to ease myself back into the workings of a pen and paper. Have my words slide onto the pages in ink form. 
  • Found another poem of mine I wrote experimenting with extended metaphors and color. It's a bit rough with the descriptions of imagery but without further ado


Her attitude was as bubbly like the sun
Picking dandelions to pass the time
Yet piercing the yolk despite heartfelt warnings
Now she conceals the yellow-purple bruises to conceal her secrets
But the Doctor's fluids prep her for surfer to fix the damage done

It's too late as her Mother leaves dandelions illuminating underneath he rising sun. 

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